Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Book I've Read


Their once was a baby that wanted everything perfectly perfect. When she was fourteen her mother died and a nurse was hired. When the nurse figured out that the girl was a good-for-nothing she decided to do her in. She finally- after a lot of figuring out-decided what to do- during that time the girl met a prince. The prince wasn't nearly as picky as herself. Getting back to where we were...She was going to lose her and who ever found her was going to have to do everyting instead of herself. So she got her to lose her way in the forest. Then the girl found her way to the prince's castle. Now at that moment there was a test going on at the castle for the prince was going to be wed and when she knocked at the door they thought she was a princess to. The prince was thrilled when she came. They put her to the test right away. The end.(You can read the rest.)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Creating a New Song

I am creating a new song to sing for my little band (me and my friends). It's called "my grandmother said to me". I'm not finished with it yet but I soon will be. I started it today during school as writing (it took a long time). I love singing though I've only written one song before called "what friends do". It's been such a long time since I wrote that song. When I did I was seven almost eight. Now I'm eght almost nine (a hole year).

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dad's New Telescope

My dad used his new telescope for the first time last friday (a little late in the night). He looked at saturn and its moons (alough he could only see three of them.) and star clusters.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Morning

Victoria got woken up on easter morning and waited for every one else (who were alredy awake but she didn't know) to wake up, too. When she realized this she opened her eyes, got dressed, and -when her dad got up-went down stairs for the easter egg hunt (which she loved).

My Baby Brother

My baby brother was 18 1/2 pounds when he was only two months old. He's probably 21 pounds since he's three months old now. He doesn't fit into his car seat anymore (or his baby seat)!

An Eight Year-Old Schools Her Sister

An eight year old girl, Elisabeth, schooled her little sister, Victoria, today. Teaching at her house, the subjects she taught were math, reading, writing, memorizing, and spelling. Using the chalk board that the family bought, Elisabeth was able to write information on the board and review it with her little sister.